Informational Library

Introduction to the Favell Museum of Native American Artifacts & Western Art

Welcome to the Favell Museum’s online educational video series. These videos will discuss the unique content that the Favell Museum houses. A visit to the Favell Museum is a must for anyone who loves Native American artifacts and Western art. The museum is located at 125 W. Main St., Klamath Falls, Oregon.

A Collection, of Collections

Over 100,000 artifacts, illustrating the lives of indigenous tribes from North and South America, are on display, with the primary focus on Native American tribes. Collections dating from 12,000 years ago include thousands of arrowheads, obsidian knives, spear points, primitive ancient stone tools, native clothing, intricate bead work, basketry, pottery and more. The museum is home to an incredible fire opal arrowhead, found in the Black Rock Desert in 1910.

The Chumash Tribe, a Maritime People

The Favell Museum online educational series presents “The Chumash People,” a brief look at a coastal tribe located on the southern coast of California.

Northwest Coastal Tribes

A brief look into how northwest coastal tribes lived and flourished on America’s west coast, including: Haida, Makah, Nootka, Tlingit, Kwakiutl and more.

Arrowheads and Points

The Favell Museum is home to one of North America’s largest arrowhead and point collections being publicly displayed. This video highlights just a few of our magnificent arrowheads and points within our permanent collection.

Native American Basketry

This video will briefly discuss how Native American tribes utilized the land to create practical, beautiful and unique basketry. Such basketry is a result of habitat combined with artistic and scientific ingenuity of the Native tribes. The Favell Museum is home to vast array of Native American baskets from around the world, as well as large regional collection.

Southwestern Pottery

The Favell Museum online series is featuring their ancient pottery collection, highlighting an assortment of examples from some of the earliest American Southwest cultures. See early forms of pottery, including Salado, Jeddito, Anasazi, Mimbres, and Tularosa. The exhibit will also provide insight into the pottery making process.

Featured Exhibit History

  • February 2019 to Present – Southwestern Pottery
  • April 2019 to Present – Native American Basketry